February 15th, 2025 | Experience and Career History

Your working life is long. Most people start working for a living in their late teens or early twenties, and with more Americans waiting longer to retire than ever, that means you’re spending four or five decades in the professional world. It’s no surprise that many workers find themselves ready for a change in midlife. In fact, a recent survey revealed that nearly half of workers aged 45 and older were considering a career change within three years.

Whether you’ve achieved all you can in your current line of work or just don’t find it fulfilling anymore, midlife career changes are an appealing alternative to the status quo. Read on to learn more about taking control of your future with a new midlife career.

The Best Midlife Career Change Options

One major benefit to making a midlife career change is that you’re likely to be on a firmer financial footing than you were when you started. You may also have a spouse or partner whose income can support the family while you look for something new. This relative financial freedom gives you the opportunity to build your second career around your passions and values, as opposed to something that just pays the bills.

Set some time aside to think about what matters most to you, as well as the goals and skills you have for the next phase of your life. The right midlife career change option is unique to everyone – it might be in another part of your current field, a different field that also has use for your skills, or something new entirely. Some of the most popular midlife career change options include:

  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Event planning
  • Real estate sales
  • Business ownership

H2: What to Know Before You Leap

2. How do I know if I’m ready for a midlife career change?

Aside from the financial considerations, you’re ready to begin seriously considering a midlife career change when the cons of your current job outweigh the pros. This often shows up in the form of burnout, but it could also result from a change in priorities. Most people who seek midlife career changes do so for a better work-life balance, whether that’s to spend more time with family or to have more time for the things they truly love. You still have decades ahead of you–there’s no better time than midlife to build your life around the things that matter most.

2. How do I prepare to enter a new field?

That depends on what you’d like to do. In many cases, strategic midlife career change options use skills that you already have, meaning you’ll only need to be trained on the particulars of your new industry or company. You may not need more training than what’s offered at a standard new employee orientation.

Other job transitions may take more time to realize, however, and it’s important to be prepared for that. You’ll want to research any licenses or certifications needed to perform your new job and ensure you’ve obtained them before starting. If you need to take a course or complete a degree program, see if there are online options that can fit into your current schedule.

3. How will I continue making money?

One of the biggest factors holding people back from a mid-life career change is the fear of making a bad financial decision that creates hardship for their family. Starting over could mean starting over at an entry-level salary. While it’s true that you may end up taking a temporary pay cut, your experience and skills will make you more valuable than a younger employee. Many midlife career changers improve their overall earning potential by making the switch.

Change Your Life as a  Home Franchise Concepts Franchisee

Have you determined that your ideal midlife career change option is business ownership? As invigorating as the idea of becoming an entrepreneur may be, the amount of risk involved can be difficult to stomach. You might also wonder if franchises are good investments, and the unequivocal answer is yes! Franchising with an industry leader like Home Franchise Concepts is a smart way to pursue business ownership while minimizing risk.

Home Franchise Concepts has been helping first-time entrepreneurs–just like you!–grow successful businesses for over 30 years. With 10 distinct brands for franchise owners to choose from, we help you tailor your business to your goals and interests. No matter which of our brands you choose, our proven business models, world-class training, and continuing support give you the resources necessary to build a business that keeps you fulfilled and engaged for years to come.

Make your midlife career change a smart one with Home Franchise Concepts. Submit a franchise inquiry form today to get started.